Source code for ydb.scheme

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import abc
import enum
from abc import abstractmethod
from . import issues, operation, settings as settings_impl, _apis

class SchemeEntryType(enum.IntEnum):
    Enumerates all available entry types.

    TABLE = 2
    DATABASE = 4
    SEQUENCE = 15
    TOPIC = 17
    VIEW = 20

    def _missing_(cls, value):
        return cls.TYPE_UNSPECIFIED

    def is_table(entry):
        Deprecated, use is_row_table instead of this.

        :param entry: A scheme entry to check
        :return: True if scheme entry is a row table and False otherwise  (same as is_row_table)
        return entry == SchemeEntryType.TABLE

    def is_any_table(entry):
        :param entry: A scheme entry to check
        :return: True if scheme entry is table (independent of table type) and False otherwise
        return entry in (SchemeEntryType.TABLE, SchemeEntryType.COLUMN_TABLE)

    def is_column_table(entry):
        :param entry: A scheme entry to check
        :return: True if scheme entry is a column table and False otherwise
        return entry == SchemeEntryType.COLUMN_TABLE

    def is_column_store(entry):
        :param entry: A scheme entry to check
        :return: True if scheme entry is a column store and False otherwise
        return entry == SchemeEntryType.COLUMN_STORE

    def is_row_table(entry):
        :param entry: A scheme entry to check
        :return: True if scheme entry is a row table and False otherwise (same as is_table)
        return entry == SchemeEntryType.TABLE

    def is_directory(entry):
        :param entry: A scheme entry to check
        :return: True if scheme entry is a directory and False otherwise
        return entry == SchemeEntryType.DIRECTORY

    def is_database(entry):
        :param entry: A scheme entry to check
        :return: True if scheme entry is a database and False otherwise
        return entry == SchemeEntryType.DATABASE

    def is_coordination_node(entry):
        :param entry: A scheme entry to check
        :return: True if scheme entry is a coordination node and False otherwise
        return entry == SchemeEntryType.COORDINATION_NODE

    def is_directory_or_database(entry):
        :param entry: A scheme entry to check
        :return: True if scheme entry is a directory or database and False otherwise
        return entry == SchemeEntryType.DATABASE or entry == SchemeEntryType.DIRECTORY

    def is_external_table(entry):
        :param entry: A scheme entry to check
        :return: True if scheme entry is an external table and False otherwise
        return entry == SchemeEntryType.EXTERNAL_TABLE

    def is_external_data_source(entry):
        :param entry: A scheme entry to check
        :return: True if scheme entry is an external data source and False otherwise
        return entry == SchemeEntryType.EXTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE

    def is_external_view(entry):
        :param entry: A scheme entry to check
        :return: True if scheme entry is a view and False otherwise
        return entry == SchemeEntryType.VIEW

    def is_external_resource_pool(entry):
        :param entry: A scheme entry to check
        :return: True if scheme entry is a resource pool and False otherwise
        return entry == SchemeEntryType.RESOURCE_POOL

class SchemeEntry(object):
    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(self, name, owner, type, effective_permissions, permissions, size_bytes, *args, **kwargs):
        Represents a scheme entry.
        :param name: A name of a scheme entry
        :param owner: A owner of a scheme entry
        :param type: A type of scheme entry
        :param effective_permissions: A list of effective permissions applied to this scheme entry
        :param permissions: A list of permissions applied to this scheme entry
        :param size_bytes: Size of entry in bytes
        """ = name
        self.owner = owner
        self.type = type
        self.effective_permissions = effective_permissions
        self.permissions = permissions
        self.size_bytes = size_bytes

    def is_directory(self):
        :return: True if scheme entry is a directory and False otherwise
        return SchemeEntryType.is_directory(self.type)

    def is_column_store(self):
        :return: True if scheme entry is a column store and False otherwise
        return SchemeEntryType.is_column_store(self.type)

    def is_table(self):
        :return: True if scheme entry is a row table and False otherwise (same as is_row_table)
        return SchemeEntryType.is_table(self.type)

    def is_column_table(self):
        :return: True if scheme entry is a column table and False otherwise (same as is_row_table)
        return SchemeEntryType.is_column_table(self.type)

    def is_row_table(self):
        :return: True if scheme entry is a row table and False otherwise (same as is_table)
        return SchemeEntryType.is_table(self.type)

    def is_any_table(self):
        :return: True if scheme entry is table (independent of table type) and False otherwise
        return SchemeEntryType.is_any_table(self.type)

    def is_database(self):
        :return: True if scheme entry is a database and False otherwise
        return SchemeEntryType.is_database(self.type)

    def is_directory_or_database(self):
        :return: True if scheme entry is a directory or a database and False otherwise
        return SchemeEntryType.is_directory_or_database(self.type)

    def is_coordination_node(self):
        :return: True if scheme entry is a coordination node and False otherwise
        return SchemeEntryType.is_coordination_node(self.type)

    def is_external_table(self):
        :return: True if scheme entry is an external table and False otherwise
        return SchemeEntryType.is_external_table(self.type)

    def is_external_data_source(self):
        :return: True if scheme entry is an external data source and False otherwise
        return SchemeEntryType.is_external_data_source(self.type)

    def is_view(self):
        :return: True if scheme entry is a view and False otherwise
        return SchemeEntryType.is_view(self.type)

    def is_resource_pool(self):
        :return: True if scheme entry is a resource pool and False otherwise
        return SchemeEntryType.is_resource_pool(self.type)

class Directory(SchemeEntry):
    __slots__ = ("children",)

    def __init__(self, name, owner, type, effective_permissions, permissions, children, *args, **kwargs):
        Represents a directory scheme entry.
        :param name: A name of a scheme entry
        :param owner: A owner of a scheme entry
        :param type: A type of scheme entry
        :param effective_permissions: A list of effective permissions applied to this scheme entry
        :param permissions: A list of permissions applied to this scheme entry
        :param children: A list of children
        super(Directory, self).__init__(name, owner, type, effective_permissions, permissions, 0)
        self.children = children

def _describe_path_request_factory(path):
    request = _apis.ydb_scheme.DescribePathRequest()
    request.path = path
    return request

def _list_directory_request_factory(path):
    request = _apis.ydb_scheme.ListDirectoryRequest()
    request.path = path
    return request

def _remove_directory_request_factory(path):
    request = _apis.ydb_scheme.RemoveDirectoryRequest()
    request.path = path
    return request

def _make_directory_request_factory(path):
    request = _apis.ydb_scheme.MakeDirectoryRequest()
    request.path = path
    return request

class MakeDirectorySettings(settings_impl.BaseRequestSettings):

class RemoveDirectorySettings(settings_impl.BaseRequestSettings):

class ListDirectorySettings(settings_impl.BaseRequestSettings):

class DescribePathSettings(settings_impl.BaseRequestSettings):

class ModifyPermissionsSettings(settings_impl.BaseRequestSettings):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ModifyPermissionsSettings, self).__init__()
        self._pb = _apis.ydb_scheme.ModifyPermissionsRequest()

    def grant_permissions(self, subject, permission_names):
        permission_action = self._pb.actions.add()
        permission_action.grant.MergeFrom(Permissions(subject, permission_names).to_pb())
        return self

    def revoke_permissions(self, subject, permission_names):
        permission_action = self._pb.actions.add()
        permission_action.revoke.MergeFrom(Permissions(subject, permission_names).to_pb())
        return self

    def set_permissions(self, subject, permission_names):
        permission_action = self._pb.actions.add()
        permission_action.set.MergeFrom(Permissions(subject, permission_names).to_pb())
        return self

    def change_owner(self, owner):
        permission_action = self._pb.actions.add()
        permission_action.change_owner = owner
        return self

    def clear_permissions(self):
        self._pb.clear_permissions = True
        return self

    def to_pb(self):
        return self._pb

class Permissions(object):
    __slots__ = ("subject", "permission_names")

    def __init__(self, subject, permission_names):
        Represents permissions
        :param subject: A subject of permission names
        :param permission_names: A list of permission names
        self.subject = subject
        self.permission_names = permission_names

    def to_pb(self):
        :return: A protocol buffer representation of permissions
        pb = _apis.ydb_scheme.Permissions()
        pb.subject = self.subject
        return pb

def _modify_permissions_request_factory(path, settings):
    Constructs modify permissions request
    :param path: A path to apply permissions
    :param settings: An instance of ModifyPermissionsSettings
    :return: A constructed request
    modify_permissions_request = settings.to_pb()
    modify_permissions_request.path = path
    return modify_permissions_request

def _wrap_permissions(permissions):
    Wraps permissions protocol buffers into native Python objects
    :param permissions: A protocol buffer representation of permissions
    :return: A iterable of permissions
    return tuple(Permissions(permission.subject, permission.permission_names) for permission in permissions)

def _wrap_scheme_entry(entry_pb, scheme_entry_cls=None, *args, **kwargs):
    Wraps scheme entry into native Python objects.
    :param entry_pb: A protocol buffer representation of a scheme entry
    :param scheme_entry_cls: A native Python class that represents scheme entry (
    by default that is generic SchemeEntry)
    :param args: A list of optional arguments
    :param kwargs: A dictionary of with optional arguments
    :return: A native Python reprensentation of scheme entry
    scheme_entry_cls = SchemeEntry if scheme_entry_cls is None else scheme_entry_cls
    return scheme_entry_cls(,

def _wrap_list_directory_response(rpc_state, response):
    Wraps list directory response
    :param response: A list directory response
    :return: A directory
    message = _apis.ydb_scheme.ListDirectoryResult()
    children = []
    supported_items = set(i.value for i in SchemeEntryType)
    for children_item in message.children:
        if children_item.type not in supported_items:


    return Directory(,

def _wrap_describe_path_response(rpc_state, response):
    message = _apis.ydb_scheme.DescribePathResult()
    return _wrap_scheme_entry(message.self)

class ISchemeClient(abc.ABC):
    def __init__(self, driver):

    def make_directory(self, path, settings):

    def remove_directory(self, path, settings):

    def list_directory(self, path, settings):

    def describe_path(self, path, settings):

    def modify_permissions(self, path, settings):
        Modifies permissions for provided scheme entry

        :param path: A path of scheme entry
        :param settings: An instance of ModifyPermissionsSettings

        :return: An operation if success or exception on case of failure

class BaseSchemeClient(ISchemeClient):
    __slots__ = ("_driver",)

    def __init__(self, driver):
        self._driver = driver

    def make_directory(self, path, settings=None):
        return self._driver(

    def remove_directory(self, path, settings=None):
        return self._driver(

    def list_directory(self, path, settings=None):
        return self._driver(

    def describe_path(self, path, settings=None):
        return self._driver(

    def modify_permissions(self, path, settings):
        Modifies permissions for provided scheme entry

        :param path: A path of scheme entry
        :param settings: An instance of ModifyPermissionsSettings

        :return: An operation if success or exception on case of failure
        return self._driver(
            _modify_permissions_request_factory(path, settings),

[docs] class SchemeClient(BaseSchemeClient):
[docs] def async_make_directory(self, path, settings=None): return self._driver.future( _make_directory_request_factory(path), _apis.SchemeService.Stub, _apis.SchemeService.MakeDirectory, operation.Operation, settings, )
[docs] def async_remove_directory(self, path, settings=None): return self._driver.future( _remove_directory_request_factory(path), _apis.SchemeService.Stub, _apis.SchemeService.RemoveDirectory, operation.Operation, settings, )
[docs] def async_list_directory(self, path, settings=None): return self._driver.future( _list_directory_request_factory(path), _apis.SchemeService.Stub, _apis.SchemeService.ListDirectory, _wrap_list_directory_response, settings, )
[docs] def async_describe_path(self, path, settings=None): return self._driver.future( _describe_path_request_factory(path), _apis.SchemeService.Stub, _apis.SchemeService.DescribePath, _wrap_describe_path_response, settings, )
[docs] def async_modify_permissions(self, path, settings): """ Modifies permissions for provided scheme entry :param path: A path of scheme entry :param settings: An instance of ModifyPermissionsSettings :return: An future of computation """ return self._driver.future( _modify_permissions_request_factory(path, settings), _apis.SchemeService.Stub, _apis.SchemeService.ModifyPermissions, operation.Operation, settings, )